Just a little bit of everything, thoughts, dreams, hopes, experiences... whatever i can think of really!
I was thinking of using this as my "travel diary"...
so friends and family (and who ever is interested) knows where abouts i am and what i'm doing...
I apologize before hand for, spelling errors and such, and for not opdating it on a regular basis, but as a sailor, my access to the Internet is depending on where in the world I am and not always existing... But i'll do it whenever i get the chance... deal? good!
thanks for understanding...
oh and by the way... i write this in English for some dark reason, maybe to practice...?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Some bonus info...!

I thought i would add this too my blog, actually it's a profile, but eh it's kind of a indication of what i'm made of... i think?

In my short life I've...
Seen "the Forbidden City" in Beijing,
Touched a dolphin in the wild,
Build a snowman in the mountains of Norway,
Been to Carneval on Trinidad,
Went to school in Venezuela,
Crossed the Atlantic ocean on a fullrigger (i'm leaving in less than a week for what will be my 6th Atlantic Crossing)
Read loads of books,
Seen Ben Harper live and cried,
Met a guy who i believed was the love of my life,
found out he wasn't,
Buried my father,
Seen my sister turn 18,
Been at a baseballgame in NYC,
Had a drink on Bourbonstreet in New Orleans,
Seen the sun rise over Copenhagen,
Been swimming in the middle of the Atlantic,
Spent a new years eve on Cap verde,
Had Ice cream in Napoli,
Had a summer fling in Barcelona,
Been snorkeling with a Barracuda,
wished upon a shooting star,
Taken away sails in a storm in the North sea,
Walked 25km in the rain on the Azores to find a dry spot,
Spent christmas in Portugal,
Seen a man get killed in a hit'n'run,
Heard the grass grow,
Went to Sheffield to see Red Hot Chillipeppers live,
Seen Jack Johnson Live in Wales (of all places...),
Seen a Ferrari on Kurfurstendamm in Berlin,
Heard the F1 cars in Monaco,
Been lobsterfishing with the locals on Tobago,
Climbed the rigging to be first to see land,
"drowned" in mud on Roskilde festival,
been a bit depressed 'cause life didn't turn out the way I hoped,
seen sea turtles,
seen snow in Grand Canyon,
searched high'n'low for licorice in South America,
Been at anchor in a Mangrove forrest,
Been sunbathing on "my own" tiny island,
Eaten snake in china,
Stood on the great chinese wall,
Been dancing barefooted under a palmtree,
Seen whales,
Seen familymembers get sober after many years of drinking,
worked with "trouble" kids,
visited people in jail,
had friends in refugee camps,
Flown over the Everglades,
Been to Disneyland (horrible place),
seen Pulp Fiction too many times,
Made friends from all over the world,
Been crazy in love,
Had my share of problems,
Traded fresh fish for baked beans (to everyody's content)
Walked around Amsterdam high on (surprisingly not weed) life,
Seen the sun rise over Mississippi,
Seen Alhambra,
Seen Rolling Stones Live,

I've seen a lot, I've been many places, but still i haven't done or seen anything... there's so much more to se and to do. I can hardly wait to get out there...Coming up is an Atlantic crossing, a few months in "tha Carib", Mexico, the East coast of the US and before returning home, another Atlantic crossing... Should i mention that this is all work, I don't get to decide where to go or when to go there... many of the places i've been has been job related. so eh I'm not sure if you can call me lucky. But it's true, i'm living my dream... sometimes lacking bits'n'pieces to make it absolute... but I'm not complaining. Even though my life hasn't always been this easy, i've made the right choices for my self... very early on i decided, that if i wanted the most out of my life, if I wanted to be happy, i had to take charge and not just go with the flow... won't even think about where i would've been now if hadn't done that... And eh it's not always as easy as i may make it seem like, i too have my moments where nothing is right and where it feels everything and everybody is only working against you. Somehow i manege to dig myself out of that black hole...
But i'm stronger and more optimistic than ever.... for somewhat odd reason!
oh my my my...
Life is beautiful... The world is my playground!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ninon.

No, it is not as easy as it seems.
But it is the only way to live with all your senses.

And you do it.

Thats why I am very, very happy to know you.


Anonymous said...

Kære Ninon.
Nu har jeg skrevet 2 gange, og hvor bliver det af ? jeg kan vidst ikke finde ud af det her, men nu prøver jeg igen, og hvis det lykkedes, skriver jeg videre.
Knus / Jane