Just a little bit of everything, thoughts, dreams, hopes, experiences... whatever i can think of really!
I was thinking of using this as my "travel diary"...
so friends and family (and who ever is interested) knows where abouts i am and what i'm doing...
I apologize before hand for, spelling errors and such, and for not opdating it on a regular basis, but as a sailor, my access to the Internet is depending on where in the world I am and not always existing... But i'll do it whenever i get the chance... deal? good!
thanks for understanding...
oh and by the way... i write this in English for some dark reason, maybe to practice...?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Still in Baltimore...

Well eh nice! today the internet connection actually works... fantastic!

we're still in Baltimore, but tomorrow morning we'll leave and head for New York!!!
That's gonna be an interresting sail... and apperantly we got a prime spot in NYC, Chelsea piers if anybody knows where that is. I hope that the program will be just as easy as it was here, service department had a lot of work, but the nautical dep. can hardly do anything when we have guests onboard, so we've had a lot of time off in between all the cleaning!
it's our duty to clean the ´deck, and the toilets.. etc so the second the first part of the daily program was finished and the guests had left.. a white tornado sweeped over deck and within a few hours we've been ready for the second round... we've had days with both a big lunch reception and later a dinner. so in average about 200-250 guests on a daily basis! sunday we had open ship, 800 people walked over the deck in 4 hours, it sounds like a lot, but really it was way below the normal standard... which is about a couple of thousands!!! yes, the record is about 3000!!! and they're only allowed to see the deck!!! crazy!
For you who haven't seen th eship and was looking forward to see it in Copenhagen, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed to learn that the program has changed, we're not going to DK this year!! Unfortunately, i would have liked to show it to you all!

well i haven't got a lot to say tonight!!! its about 4.30 in the morning i have some toilets to clean... æv! I don't feel like cleaning toilets again and some banners and stuff i need to take away! I don't really feel like it so I've been stalling it for a bit, but i guess that "they" (Officers especially) will be very teleurgesteld (means disapointed, one the few words i can say in dutch, i've learned how to say, I'm not mad, just very, very disappointed. hehe it was so funny the first few times, now it's like an old joke that keeps repeating itself) if i don't get it all done... after all i am a quartermaster and therefore a so-called rolemodel! who would have thought that I would end up in position where i was considered a rolemodel!!!

Just found out that my little sister just moved away from home... oh my god, how time flies, I remember when she was this tiny little girl who slept in my bed at night, all of a sudden i feel so old, and a little jealoux, after all i still live at home, on mama's sofa!!! (it is a nice sofa though) eh something's wrong with that picture... my 18year old sister has her own place, i soon turn 26 and I don't! oh well I'm hardly ever home, i guess that's why!

it's a bit strange to know that in about 5 weeks when i get back i haven't been home since the end of Nov, it seems like forever! so many things has happened, so many new experiences, so many places i've been since then!
Oh maybe i should mention that i'm kinda getting used to being back here, i was right, it did get easier when i got to Baltimore. So now Mexico seems so far away! but oh my did I love it there...
I still have a little bit of a hard time with all these people every where at all times... so I've asked the office to book my flight a few days after i get off the ship in Faro, Portugal... So I'm looking forward to a few days doing nothing but enjoying myself and getting used to the thought of coming home again... it's been about 6months but so many things has happened that it seems much longer. So not only time is a factor, actually it's more the things that has happened!
So i'll see if i can find a nice little hostel, with a big bed and a tv, there i'll digest everything that has happened to me, since i left half a lifetime ago! Maybe go out for a walk, and something nice to eat and then go back... no big plans, just BE. eh can hardly wait. But before i get that far, i still have NYC, Boston And an Atlantic crossing to do... so eh i guess there will be a lot more to "digest" and absorbe by the time i hit that hotelroom with a big bed and a tv.

Oh well he it seems i did have something to say after all...

It doesn't happen often that i have nothing to say, i have a tendency of talking way to much!!!

soh and by the way our RHIB is the rubberboat with an outboard engine that we use as a MOB boat (Man-Over-Board) for fast tenders ashore, tender to guests snorkeling/swimming... etc it's easier to handle than the sloops, both with manouvers and putting it in/taking it out of the water... it doesn't take as many persons of course, but it's faster and usually much more fun to "drive" than a sloop. the sloop still reminds me of when i was a watertaxi driver back home!

Oh well the toilets are calling i better get back to work!
Oh and i'm not sure if i can upload that pic of my tattoo but eh i'll see what i can do, when i'm done with the cleaning!!!

take care and have fun... Spring is on it's way!!! after spring comes summer and sunshine, it can't be long before we again see the sun shine over CPH...



Steen said...

Hey talking Head.
...and talking about water-taxi:
It will be a pleasure to take you -and family if you like - for an hour or two with sandwiches and beers when you come back to Copenhagen, just call me.
By the way - Christian will be second man on Lilla this year, nice, I like him.
Have fun, Steen

Anonymous said...

Hey røver bandit!
Hvis du har planer om at fejre at du snart er et år ældre, så vil jeg gerne vide i hvilken uge jeg skal faste op til weekenden, så der er plads til bare en lille smule føz´dags-kage!
mao. jeg er i gang med at planlægge mine weekender i maj...
håber alt er vel!

Anonymous said...

Hola-hola.Er du mon nu i N.Y. nu?? Stadigt dejligt at laese om dine dage i "det fremmede". Glaeder mig til vi ses i KBH !!! Jeg rejser herfra d.15. - hvornaar kommer du?? Tusind kys og kaerlige tanker - og god vind. fra mormor.

Anonymous said...

Hej Ninon
Vi prøver lige om vi kan finde ud af det her.. Glæder os til at se dig.
Knus Karl /Jane