Just a little bit of everything, thoughts, dreams, hopes, experiences... whatever i can think of really!
I was thinking of using this as my "travel diary"...
so friends and family (and who ever is interested) knows where abouts i am and what i'm doing...
I apologize before hand for, spelling errors and such, and for not opdating it on a regular basis, but as a sailor, my access to the Internet is depending on where in the world I am and not always existing... But i'll do it whenever i get the chance... deal? good!
thanks for understanding...
oh and by the way... i write this in English for some dark reason, maybe to practice...?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Change of plans!!!!

Well i'm still in GTO, just bought a bus ticket outta here... last night i decided to change my plans, only a little bit... I''ll stay overnight in Mex.City and be very cultural tomorrow, i wanna see the pyramids Sol Y Luna at that place i can't pronounce or even spell... tehuatisomething! it will delay my arrival in Puerto Escondido about 2 days, but then i've seen at least one the must see's in Mexico...

oh and i did go to that museum of mummies yesterday!!! I'm speechless it's eh ah oh horrible, but fascinating, a few of them didn't die naturally, one was stabbed to death, another buried alive and one had drowned, charming! i think it was the guy who was stabbed, he was buried in 1977!! in 1982 you could see him at the museum!!!! that's sick!!! uaks! and only a few of the signs was written in english, but was written as if it was the mummie itself that had written it... so it was like, yeah my name is blahblah i was stabbed to death in 1977 you can see that because of the big hole in my stomach and the light miscoloration around that area. in 1982 they decided to put me on display.... blahblah horrible!!! the worst part was the children... small mummified babies!!! i mean , i can take a lot, but that was a bit over the top for me... i hope that going to the pyramids tomorrow can make me think of something else...
anyway it's 12.50 my bus leaves in an hour, so i better get going!!!
i'll let you know how my day at the tourist-trap was...
keep the sun in your face...


Gabs said...

Historien bliver altså ikke dårligere af at du skriver den! - Håber at du i fremtiden finder nogle mindre grusomme museos... Happy bussing til Mexico DF. !
Kærligst Gabriela

Anonymous said...

hey ehy!
jeg har fundet ud af at jeg har sommeferie frem til den 18 aug. så jeg håber det passer sammen med dine ferieplaner
kh jannik

Anonymous said...

Kære Ninon.
Nu har jeg vidst fundet ud af det her, men lagt det i dec.
Jeg skal hilse fra Iris og sige tak for kortet, hun er meget misundelig, især på det med havudsigt. Hun må nøjes med en tur til Budapest med os andre i begyndelsen af april. Hun er iøvrigt igang med at skrive en bog om sin cykeltur i sydengland.
Jeg glæder mig til at se dig, men er lidt bange for at London får svært ved at leve op til Mexico.
Jeg skal også fortælle dig om vores tur til Norge, hvor jeg kun nåede at stå på ski i 15 min. før det gik galt, og da vi brugte 3 dage i Sayalonga på at vente på en seng fra Ikea.
Og så skal jeg hilse mange gange fra Karl, Iris, Trine og katja.
Knus / Jane